Finding a comfortable bag can be quite tricky. Sometimes the straps are too wide which can cause chafing, there are no pockets for water bottles, or there are no compartments inside the bag to seperate items. Different sized bags are suitable for separate occasions. The 25L Alberta Pack by Livingstone is a fantastic day bag for every user.
What does Livingstone say they are selling?
They believe their product is a practical pack that weighs less than half a pound that is 7 inches when shrunk and 10.2 x 8.4 x 17 inches when expanded that comes in three different colours. Additionally, the website says their packs are durable with tear and water resistant material and zippers while still being comfortable as it has mesh straps.
What was the product I received?
When I received my bag, I was surprised by how small the package was. But, this doesn’t mean the bag itself was small. When I expanded the bag, I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the bag despite how little it could shrink down to. The pack has plenty of space inside the bag which includes pockets and compartments so things can stay separated inside the bag. The bag was very light and comfortable which made my experience more enjoyable. I have a couple of bags in my collection, but over the last week, I have found myself wanting to reach for my Livingstone bag instead of my other ones that I have used for years. The brand itself, Livingstone, is also an incredible Canadian company that donates a percentage of the bags profits to go towards various national parks around the world. I do recommend the 25L Alberta bag to anyone who is looking for a perfect day pack.
If you would like to purchase you’re own bag you can follow our link and you’ll receive 10% off.
